• February 2025
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Want to be happier? Stay in the moment

How Multitasking Is Affecting the Way You Think by Clifford Nass


Let’s take the time to bring a little perspective back to our needlessly tense and preciously brief lives.

When is the last time you did absolutely nothing for 10 whole minutes? Not texting, talking or even thinking?

Mindfulness and Neural Integration – Daniel Siegel, MD at TEDxStudioCityED

Forgiveness constitutes true victory over the bad; it’s the ultimate marker of resilience, courage and imagination.

There is so much that, if we learnt we might be dead by nightfall, we would remember to value.

The BBC’s David Sillito has been finding out if there is a scientific basis for meditation leading to greater levels of happiness.

The theory that meditation can reduce stress, depression and even chronic pain is one that has been gaining in momentum in recent years.

 The Chocolate Meditation

Connecting with your senses is one of the core benefits of Mindfulness meditation. Many traditions use nuts or fruit as the focus for a meditation on the senses of taste, smell and touch. But you can use any food at all so we developed a meditation based on chocolate.

 Silent Meditation (with bells at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 mins)

Ultimately, mindfulness meditation is about sitting silently and observing the thoughts as they arise in your mind before dissolving away again. This audio track can help you along this route. It is pure silence interspersed with gentle bells at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes to mark the time.

Harvard Business Review – Mindfulness Can Literally Change Your Brain

The positive effects of mindfulness on self-esteem

The application of mindfulness

Mindfulness in education at the intersection of science, religion, and healing

Therapeutic presence: a mindful approach to effective therapy

The buzz trap: Speeded-up lives, distractedness, impulsiveness and decreasing empathy

Politica de birou

Politica de birou

Mindfulness zi de zi

Mindfulness zi de zi

Mindfulness pe intelesul tuturor

Mindfulness pe intelesul tuturor

Devino ceea ce esti

Devino ceea ce esti

Cartea despre acel tabu care te impiedica sa afli cine esti

Cartea despre acel tabu care te impiedica sa afli cine esti

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